Caution: Always unplug the console and flashboard before performing any type of maintenance..
Use a mild soap solution or mild cleanser. Harsh cleansers or solvents may damage the paint or lettering. Follow with an automotive-style polish for additional protection.
Caution: The front of the flashboard acrylic is a painted surface.
Use only a mild soap solution such as liquid detergent with a clean soft cloth for best results and protection of the surfaces. Ammonia based cleaners may dull the acrylic.
Use a mild soap solution or window cleaner and a clean soft cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaners. Avoid excessive moisture and wipe dry. Do not clean while power is on.
Use a mild soap solution or mild cleanser. Harsh cleansers or solvents may damage the paint or lettering. Follow with an automotive-style polish for additional protection.
Clean with a mild soap solution such as a liquid detergent and warm water (not hot water). Harsh cleaners or solvents may damage finish or lettering. Dry the balls thoroughly using a towel. Insert towel-dried balls into a paper bag with a small amount of talcum powder, agitate the balls and shake off the excess powder.
Remove the blower base pan and Lightly spray anti-static aerosol compound over the blower base pan foam. Please do not spray the inside of the blower chamber.
Caution: Be sure not to apply anti-static compound to the ball-catcher acrylic tube- this may cause the ball tube to shatter. Perform this treatment every few months or when you notice balls sticking together or to the windows.
Inspect the anti-static tinsel surrounding the two side of the blower base pan assembly. If torn or worn, replace with Arrow Item No. # 41208 Anti-Static Tinsel.
Use vacuum with wand attachment to clean ball chute and inside both cabinet doors.